Hormone therapy Kirkwood, MO

Introduction to Hormone Balance

Hormone balance is essential for overall health and wellness. When hormones become deficient, patients may experience symptoms like fatigue, poor sleep, low libido, anxiety, weight gain and more. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help restore optimal hormone levels, greatly improving quality of life. Renewed Balance Clinic specializes in HRT and helping patients regain health through customized treatment protocols.

What Are Hormones and What Do They Do?

Our services

Signs and Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

There are many possible signs of hormone deficiency, including:

Catching and addressing hormone imbalance early is crucial for regaining wellness and preventing long term health impacts.

How Hormone Testing Works

Comprehensive hormone testing provides crucial insights into current hormone balance. Renewed Balance Clinic offers state-of-the-art testing including:

Understanding your hormone balance and health biomarkers is key for developing an effective, personalized treatment plan.

Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy

When hormones become deficient, replacing them through HRT can provide tremendous benefits including:

Physical Performance and Body Composition

Mood, Motivation and Cognitive Function

Healthy Libido and Sexual Function

Metabolic Health and Body Composition

Sleep Quality and Energy Levels

Balancing hormones pays dividends across all aspects of health including physical, mental, sexual and emotional wellbeing.

Take control of your health, improve your life.

Treatment Protocols and Therapy Basics

Renewed Balance Clinic utilizes advanced HRT regimens tailored to your unique needs. Our detailed protocols are designed to restore optimal hormones in the safest, most effective way possible.

TRT for Men

Testosterone is crucial for men's vitality but often declines with age, starting around 30. Testosterone deficiency is linked to low energy, reduced muscle mass, weight gain and impaired sexual function.

Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) restores healthy testosterone levels, greatly improving men's health. TRT is administered via:

We carefully tailor dosing, medications and delivery methods to your needs. Follow up testing ensures hormone optimization.

TRT Monitoring and Health Checks

Close monitoring helps ensure safety and efficacy over the long term.

Regimens for Women

Women also experience declining hormones, especially estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. This hormone imbalance causes symptoms like fatigue, low libido, hot flashes, weight gain, anxiety and disrupted sleep.

Bioidentical HRT for Women

We often use bioidentical hormone therapy (BHRT) to reverse deficiency. BHRT utilizes lab created hormones that perfectly match natural hormones molecularly. This helps create optimal restoration with minimal side effects.

Common bioidentical hormones prescribed include:

We carefully balance dosing across hormones for ideal effects. Follow up testing verifies optimization.

Managing Menopause with HRT

Menopause causes declining estrogen/progesterone and unpleasant symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis and heart disease.

HRT can safely alleviate menopause symptoms and optimize long term health. Our multi-modal protocols help women thrive through menopause.

Lifestyle Optimization

HRT works best alongside healthy lifestyle optimization including:

Good lifestyle choices accelerate HRT benefits. Our wellness advisors create tailored programs targeting diet, activity, mindfulness and more.

The Renewed Balance Clinic Difference - Your Trusted HRT Partner

Renewed Balance Clinic provides fully integrated care that sets us apart including:

Convenient Local Services

As your hometown HRT clinic, we offer convenient Kirkwood access for testing, treatments, monitoring and support. Our welcoming clinic and expert staff deliver personalized care close to home.

Top Medical Expertise

Our board certified physicians possess decades of HRT and anti-aging experience. Ongoing professional development ensures leading edge medical knowledge.

Customized Protocols

We tailor all HRT regimens to your unique needs, goals and biomarkers. Adjustments over time help optimize treatment. Comprehensive follow up care ensures safety plus maximal, lasting benefits.

Holistic Health Support

Our team of nurses, nutritionists and health advisors offers complete lifestyle guidance to accelerate HRT gains - diet, exercise, stress management and more. We empower patients with personalized optimization strategies across all facets of wellness.

Renewed Balance Clinic stands ready to partner with you on the journey towards renewed health, energy and passion for life.

Interesting fact

Hormone therapy was originally developed to help manage symptoms of menopause in women, but studies have since found it can also benefit transgender individuals undergoing gender transition by developing secondary sex characteristics associated with their gender identity.

Additional Local Wellness Resources

To enhance your HRT experience, we encourage utilizing wonderful Kirkwood community assets like:

Evergreen Fitness Center

This five star gym near Kirkwood Park offers state of the art equipment and classes to suit all fitness levels. Check out their indoor pool, courts for basketball, volleyball and racquetball plus a walking/running track. Group activities range from yoga to kickboxing.

The Serenity Spa

Pamper yourself at this premier local spa providing therapeutic massages, body treatments, facials and relaxation packages. Their eucalyptus steam rooms, dry saunas and hot tubs soothe mind and body.

Sunrise Nutrition Corner

Their certified nutritionists offer custom eating plans, vitamin guidance and meal delivery tailored to your needs and health goals. Enjoy fresh, chef-prepared meals rich in protein, healthy fats, fibers and micronutrients.

Urban hiking and biking trails

Kirkwood park features over 15 miles of wooded hiking/biking paths including the scenic Greentree trail wrapping around Greentree lake. Enjoy nature and get your steps in!

Local theater, music and entertainment

The Kirkwood Community Center hosts plays, musicals and comedy shows year round. Outdoor Roberts Lake Amphitheater provides summer concert series under the stars.

Regain vitality and improve quality of life.

The Importance of Timely Diagnosis and Treatment

Catching and addressing hormone imbalance in the early stages is critical for regaining wellness and preventing long term deterioration. Lingering deficiency takes an exponential toll across time, accelerating symptoms and disease progression.

Why Act Quickly?

Delaying HRT intervention leads to:

The downward spiral continues degrading all facets of health. Restoring balance becomes much harder.

Our Commitment

Renewed Balance Clinic offers proactive therapy based on early screening and diagnosis, not waiting for pronounced disease states. We provide timely treatment when it matters most - optimizing response rates and safeguarding your future vitality.


We encourage taking control of your health starting with comprehensive hormone testing. Identifying and addressing imbalances early provides the greatest opportunity for treatment success and enhanced wellbeing long term. Renewed Balance Clinic stands ready to guide you with customized regimens, lifestyle optimization and ongoing support - reclaiming your energy and passion for life. Contact us today to start your journey!

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